Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes

In our sincere and ongoing commitment to be a good neighbor, we met with surrounding property owners on several occasions to share our plans, gather their feedback and do whatever we reasonably can to address their concerns. 

Thanks to input from the owners of Lychee Tree Farm, we:
  • Rewrote our site plan to relocate the Costco facility to the southeast corner of the property.
  • Reorientated the apartment buildings on the northeast corner of the property to prevent any shade from casting on their growing operation.
  • Relocated the garages on the apartment units to increase privacy for Lychee Tree Farm.
  • Revised landscaping plantings to increase a planned buffer.
  • Tasked our engineer to work with their hydrologist to refine our dewatering plan to ensure that construction of our lakes protects their access to surficial water sources.
Thanks to input from city planners, we:
  • Will create an access road connecting Kanner Highway and Willoughby Boulevard, increasing connectivity and alleviating peak traffic.
  • Will engineer our systems of lakes to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus.
  • Will install native vegetation onsite to protect our community water resources.
  • Will construct a water main along Kanner Highway for City of Stuart utilities.
  • Will add landscape buffer around the project during initial phase of construction. 
Thanks to a neighboring property owner, we:
  • Moved our signalized entrance by nearly 40 feet to align with his access point at the intersection on Kanner Highway. 

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